Last updated on July 12th, 2024 at 01:27 pm
About 33% of local searches go to Google Business Profiles. Your Google Business Profile rankings are mainly comprised of keyword relevancy, proximity to the search, and authority. Authority is directly correlated to Google Reviews and Google ratings. In the post, we are going to cover the easiest ways to get more Google Reviews and get more business online.

Why More Reviews Are Important
According to Moz, Review signals account for about 15% of Google local rankings. And as mentioned above, a third of all local searches go to Business Profiles. Therefore, increasing the quality and quantity of your online reviews can dramatically increase online leads.
The best part is these leads are free, and you do not have to pay for each click like in Google Ads.
Getting Started
In order to get started with obtaining more Google Reviews, you first need a Google Business Profile and then you need to get your review shortcut link.
Create your Google Business Profile
First, create your Google Business Profile by clicking here and then following along with our guide. Make sure to fill out all information as completely and accurately as possible. Do not use incorrect information like using a UPS store for a business address as that is against Google’s policies and can get your business removed from Google.
Copy your shortcut
After you have created your Google Business Profile, you should be able to copy your review shortcut link from your home page. Click the share review form button and copy that link to use in all your communications mentioned below.

Easy Ways To Get Reviews
Now that you have your Google Profile and your review link, you can use all of these strategies easily below.
Ask In-Person
The first strategy and easiest is to simply ask in person. While it might feel awkward, it’s super effective. If you have employees that normally communicate with customers, create competition out of it by rewarding the employee with the most reviews at the end of the week. Or, reward employees for each review they obtain.
Add Review Widgets To Your Website
Next up, you can add a review widget to your website. This might showcase your reviews, but also have a link for customers to leave a review. Our personal favorite is the WordPress Business Reviews Bundle by RichPlugins. However, be sure you have someone familiar with WordPress and SEO to optimize the plugin for you. If you need assistance, consider our website hosting where we can do this for you for free.

Use Social Media
The next strategy is to use social media to ask for reviews. You can share the reviews link in posts and in your bio links.

Include The link In Your Email Signature
Be sure to add your review link to your email signature to make it easy for people you are communicating with to leave that review! Here’s how I do it in my email signature.

Create A QR Code
If you have a physical store or anything you can stick something to a customer would see, a QR code would be really helpful to obtain reviews. Here are a few places you can stick these QR codes:
- Vehicle
- Tables
- Doorways
- Bathrooms
- Menus
- Register
Use a free QR generator, then head over to Canva to get some print outs. We also like 4imprint for more complicated marketing products.
Best Process To Get More Reviews
While there are many great ways to ask for reviews, there’s nothing better than a proven process for obtaining awesome reviews. At WolfPack Advising, we have created a proven process to obtain the most five star Google reviews for your business. We use our marketing automation software to help companies set up the review request process, but you can also do it on your own if you have the tools and know what you are doing.
The first aspect of the review request process is timing. The best time of to ask for review is directly after point of sale. This is the point where a customer should be happy because they received whatever you are offering. Therefore, a customer should be more willing to leave a review.
Compare that to asking for a review 2 days after a sale. Most often, a customer gets annoyed because you are still trying to contact them.
After thinking about your timing, you can think about the medium.
Email & SMS
Using a medium to ask for reviews that is digital is going to be your best bet since users can easily click the link.
Sending the review request via email and SMS at the same time we find to be the most effective method. Here’s what your SMS message could say, “Can you take 2-seconds to let us know how we are doing? Click here: **insert link**”.
Your email could be designed a little to make the link more enticing, see below.

Ask For Reviews Twice
It’s best to ask for a review in email and SMS twice. So once right after the point of sale, and then send the messages again if they did not click any links in your email or SMS. However, you will need tracking capabilities to do that.
Filtering Bad Reviews
An optionable step here is to filter your bad reviews out. To do this, instead of sharing a link to leave the review directly, use a landing page where users can click to leave feedback, or say the service was great. If users select the service was great, they would be auto-redirected to leave the review. If users select to leave feedback, you can use a simple form to collect their feedback.
You definitely need to know a little about web design and hosting to do this, but it’s super helpful to filter out those bad reviews.
Here’s how we do it. This page is super simple and shows easily on mobile devices.

That’s It
That’s our proven process! Here’s that process again:
- Have good timing – point of sale.
- Use SMS & Email
- Use a landing page to filter bad reviews.
Now, you can add a few more steps in here link automatic ways for tracking, but the effectiveness won’t change.
What We Do
At WolfPack Advising, we help companies obtain more reviews with our proven process. We integrate the review requests to our CRM and provide review request statistics through our Google Business profile integration.
If you are a home service business, check out our marketing automation software that offers the review request and so much more! Companies on our review request system see a new 5-star review for every 1 in 4 customers on average.
Final Thoughts
Getting more quality Google reviews can drastically change your business. Use these different strategies and our proven review request business process to get more business online.
Looking for more? Take your local SEO to the next level with these top local internet marketing tips.