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Encountering website errors can be frustrating no matter if the website is your own, or if you are just visiting it. Understanding the details behind each error code can help you troubleshoot and know where to go or what to do next. In this article, we will provide comprehensive insights into 307 redirects. We’ll explain their importance in web development and how they help with efficient website redirection.

To learn more about web errors, check out our error codes blog category.

The Importance Of 307 Redirect Code

The 307 redirect code is crucial for efficient website navigation and user experience.

Developers use it to allow users access to the original resource while preserving cached data, reducing page load time and seamless session continuation.

The 307 status code informs browsers and search engines of temporary URL changes without affecting rankings or traffic. It redirects users to the updated URL, minimizing confusion and preserving important data like cookies and session information.

Furthermore, it ensures a smooth user experience during URL changes and plays a vital role in SEO by preventing duplicate content creation, which can harm a website’s ranking.

Understanding 307 redirects is important in web development and website redirection. When a client gets a 307 status code, they need to keep using the original request URL to ensure accurate future requests.

The server plays a key role by including a Location header field in the response. This field contains a URL that directs to the new destination. With this information, the user agent can smoothly redirect to the new URL. The server’s response also includes a brief message with a hyperlink to the new URL(s).

307 Redirects Code References

Rails HTTP Status Symbol :temporary_redirect

Go HTTP Status Constant http.StatusTemporaryRedirect

Symfony HTTP Status Constant Response::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

Python2 HTTP Status Constant httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

Python3+ HTTP Status Constant http.client.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

Python3.5+ HTTP Status Constant http.HTTPStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

.NET HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect

Rust http::StatusCode::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

Apache HttpComponents Core org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT

Angular @angular/common/http/HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect

An image showing web developers trying to work on a website's 307 redirects status code.

5 Best Practices for Implementing HTTP 307 Redirects

There are three best practices that you should follow when using the 307 status code in your applications. These practices will help you maintain a professional and efficient approach.

  1. Use the 307 status code for temporary redirections: The 307 status code is specifically designed for temporary redirects. It informs the client that the requested resource has temporarily moved to a different URL. By using this status code, you can ensure that the client knows that the redirect is only temporary and should continue using the original URL for future requests.
  2. Provide clear and accurate information in the response header: Include a clear “Location” header in the 307 response to provide the new URL for redirection. This ensures a smooth transition for the client and prevents confusion or misunderstandings.
  3. Consider caching implications: Unlike other redirect status codes like 301 or 302, the 307 status code is not intended to be cached by the client. If you want to prevent caching, make sure to include appropriate cache-control headers in your response to instruct clients not to cache the redirect. This will ensure that subsequent requests are always made to the original URL, rather than relying on the cached redirect.
  4. Always prioritize accessibility: It is essential to ensure that the original resource remains accessible when using the 307 status code. The purpose of this code is to indicate a temporary redirect, so users should still be able to access the original resource if needed.
  5. Use the appropriate HTTP method: When responding with a 307 status code, make sure to use the same HTTP method as the original request. If a GET request was made initially, the subsequent redirect should also be a GET request. This consistency will help maintain the intended functionality and prevent any unexpected behavior.

When updating your website, you can choose to use a 307 temporary redirect. This redirect effectively directs visitors from search engines to a relevant page. If you need guidance with website updates, please refer to our comprehensive guide on how to update a website.

An image showing website error

5 Common 307 Redirect Mistakes

There are a few common mistakes that can occur when using the 307 status code.

  1. Misinterpreting the 307 status code as a permanent redirect: Misinterpreting the 307 status code as a permanent redirect can lead to errors. Remember, the 307 status code signifies a temporary redirect, which can negatively impact user experience.
  2. Using the 307 status code for permanent redirects: Avoid using the 307 status code for permanent redirects. Opt for the 301 status code instead to prevent confusion and maintain SEO integrity when a resource has permanently moved.
  3. Improper Handling of Link Juice: Another mistake is not properly handling the link equity, also known as “link juice,” during a 307 redirect. If done incorrectly, this can result in the loss of valuable search engine rankings and traffic. Make sure to implement the redirect in a way that preserves the original page’s link equity and directs it to the appropriate temporary destination.
  4. Using the 307 status code for resources that have moved permanently but still require the same URL: Using the 307 status code for permanently moved resources with the same URL can confuse user agents and lead to incorrect behavior. Remember, the 307 status code is meant for temporary redirects, not permanent moves. For permanent moves with the same URL, opt for the 301 status code, which informs user agents to update their bookmarks or references to the old URL.
  5. Ignoring User Experience: Lastly, neglecting user experience during a 307 redirect can lead to frustration and confusion among visitors. Ensure that the redirected page provides relevant information or clear instructions on how to proceed. Remember to consider usability factors such as page load speed, mobile responsiveness, and maintaining consistency across devices and browsers.

How To Resolve A 307 Status Code

To troubleshoot a 307 status code, follow these steps:

  1. First, examine your website’s code to identify any potential issues that might be causing the 307 redirect. Look for any incorrect redirects or misconfigured settings.
  2. It’s crucial to use the correct HTTP method when handling redirects. Ensure that you are using the appropriate method according to the situation, whether it’s GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
  3. Make sure that the original resource, which is being redirected, remains accessible. Any changes made to the server configuration or the destination URL should not hinder users’ access to the resource.
  4. Remember to use the 307 status code only for temporary redirects. If you intend the redirect to be permanent, consider using a different status code like 301.
  5. Finally, thoroughly test and monitor your website after implementing any changes related to the 307 status code. Ensure redirects work properly without causing issues or interruptions in user experience.

Difference Between 302 and 307 For Temporary Redirects

The difference between a 302 and 307 for temporary redirects lies in how the redirect is handled by the browser. A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect, indicating that the original URL may change in the future. For now, the user should be directed to a different URL. On the other hand, a 307 redirect is also temporary but it suggests that the user agent should perform the redirected request using the same HTTP method as the original request.

It’s important to note that while both redirects are temporary, they can have different implications. Search engines handle a 302 redirect differently from a 307 redirect, impacting how they index and rank the new URL. Additionally, the caching behavior of browsers can differ depending on the type of redirect used.

Difference Between 505 Status Code and 307 Status Code

The 505 status code, also known as HTTP Version Not Supported, is used when the server cannot fulfill a request because it does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. For example, if a client uses a higher HTTP version (e.g., HTTP/2) than what the server can handle (e.g., HTTP/1.1), the server responds with a 505 status code.

The server uses the 307 status code, Temporary Redirect, to inform the client of the temporary move to a new resource location. It instructs the client to resend the same request to the new URI mentioned in the response’s Location header field. Unlike the 302 status code, used for temporary redirects too, the 307 status code mandates the client to preserve the original request method when resending to the new location.


In conclusion, using HTTP 307 redirects is essential for efficient website navigation and a seamless user experience. Using the 307 status code allows users to access the original resource, preserve cached data, reduce page load time, and ensure uninterrupted sessions.

Additionally, the 307 status code informs browsers and search engines of temporary URL changes, minimizing confusion and preserving vital data like cookies and sessions. Prioritizing accessibility and using the right HTTP method improves user experience during URL changes, positively impacting SEO.

Avoiding common mistakes, such as misinterpreting the 307 status code or using it incorrectly for permanent redirects, is crucial. Properly handling link equity and emphasizing user experience are essential considerations when using 307 redirects.

If you have encountered the 307 redirect status code do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Wolfpack Advising, an esteemed web design and hosting company based in Melbourne, FL, is here to provide you with unmatched answers and assistance. Let us inspire you with our exceptional services.